Like many other people employed by railroad and train companies, railroad machinists have a particularly high risk of physical injury due to the conditions they are exposed to during work. This risk becomes even greater if a machinist’s employer fails to ensure they have access to functioning safety equipment, does not enforce safety rules, or fails to provide appropriate training for individual machinists and their coworkers. When a railroad company’s negligence directly leads to railroad machinist injuries in Ohio, those injured workers could seek restitution for all their ensuing losses under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). If you were hurt or developed long-term damage to your health while working as a machinist on a railroad, speaking with a skilled railroad injury attorney about your recovery options might be in your best interests.
The specific tasks that a railroad machinist performs at work can vary from day to day, ranging from the operation of heavy machinery to inspecting, performing maintenance, calibrating, repairing, or even moving these massive machines from place to place. Accordingly, there are a variety of ways that work-related conditions could lead to a railroad machinist getting hurt or ill. Railroad machinists in Ohio are particularly susceptible to injuries like:
Someone who works as a machinist for many years may also have a higher risk of chronic health problems, including repetitive motion injuries, lung disease, lead poisoning, and various forms of cancer. A FELA attorney could provide irreplaceable assistance with identifying exactly what caused a railroad machinist’s injury or illness. They could also demand fair restitution for ensuing losses from the company responsible for causing them.
Unlike most workers in other industries, railroad workers in Ohio and throughout the United States do not have access to workers’ compensation coverage in the event of a workplace accident or occupational illness. Instead, the piece of federal legislation known as FELA grants them the right to file suit directly against their employer.
Because FELA lawsuits function more like traditional personal injury litigation than workers’ comp claims, injured railroad machinists in Ohio must establish that their employer was negligent in a way that contributed to the harm they sustained in order to recover compensation. By the same measure, an injured railroad worker who can prove negligence by their employer could recover for every economic and non-economic consequence of those injuries, rather than just medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. A lawyer could potentially help pursue restitution for future medical costs, lost enjoyment of life, lost earning capacity, and physical pain and suffering in this way.
Machinists perform essential work in and around railyards nationwide. Unfortunately, that work often exposes them to conditions that could easily lead to these workers sustaining serious physical harm. Fortunately, railroad machinist injuries in Ohio can often serve as grounds for financial recovery under the Federal Employers Liability Act.
A qualified lawyer could explain your options and offer guidance about the next steps during a confidential consultation. Call today to schedule yours.
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Doran & Murphy, PLLC
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