The workers in the Texas railroad industry have dedicated their lives to connecting America’s railways. In exchange, their employers have a duty to protect them from the hazards associated with the industry. When they fail to do so, exposure to harmful chemicals could result in a cancer diagnosis. A Texas railroad cancer lawyer could hold the railroad accountable for its negligence.
If you received a cancer diagnosis after a career working in the railroad industry, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Pursuing these claims for compensation can be complicated, but a dedicated railroad injury attorney could help simplify the process.
Railroad workers frequently encounter harsh or hazardous chemicals during the course of their careers. In many cases, these chemicals include carcinogens that could result in a variety of cancer diagnoses. Some of those substances include:
Each of these chemicals has the potential to cause cancer in the human body, especially when the exposure is extensive. A Texas railroad worker could pursue compensation for their cancer diagnosis with the help of an experienced attorney.
There are different types of cancer that have impacted railroad workers over the years. While some railroads have taken steps to reduce exposure to these harmful chemicals, many of these efforts came too late. In other cases, exposure to cancer-causing material is still an issue in the railroad industry.
One of the most dangerous substances that are linked to cancer is asbestos. While asbestos has mostly been removed from modern trains and railyards, the substance was used extensively in the industry for years. Asbestos—which is linked to lung cancer and other serious illnesses—was often used to insulate pipes within the cabs of trains.
Another example of a dangerous substance that could cause cancer is diesel fumes. Diesel engines remain popular in the railroad industry, meaning exposure to these fumes is still a common problem. Diesel fume exposure has been linked to cancer in the lungs, colon, and bladder.
Shopworkers also face exposure risks with a number of solvents and cleaners. Some workers have encountered asbestos when repairing or replacing the insulation for pipes within trains.
The railroad industry has an obligation to protect its workers from exposure to cancer-causing material. When they fail in this duty, many employees are at risk of getting seriously sick. The cost of treating cancer can be enormous but a railroad worker could be entitled to compensation through a Federal Employers Liability Act claim. Commonly referred to as FELA, this act is the primary avenue for sick or injured railroad workers to seek compensation for employment-related conditions.
There is no guarantee of success when it comes to a FELA claim. Unlike workers’ compensation benefits, a railroad employee must prove the negligence of their employer led to their cancer diagnosis. A Texas railroad cancer attorney could help with those efforts.
If you are living with cancer following a career in the railroad industry, your exposure to harmful chemicals during the course of your career could be to blame. Through a FELA claim, you could hold the railroad accountable. Let a Texas railroad cancer lawyer serve as your advocate while pursuing fair compensation. Call right away to learn what your legal options are.
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