Railroad workers are particularly vulnerable to lung cancer due to frequent exposure to certain types of toxic substances, such as asbestos, lead, diesel exhaust, silica, industrial solvents and chemical weed sprays. Railroad companies have a legal obligation to their employees to take proper measures to keep them from harm’s way and safeguard them from unreasonable hazards. If you are a railroad employee who received a lung cancer diagnosis, consider reaching out to a knowledgeable Pennsylvania lung cancer lawyer. A railroad cancer attorney can begin investigating your potential claim and advise whether you may be entitled to financial compensation.
Diesel fumes are one of the leading contributing factors in lung cancer diagnoses in railroad employees. Containing excessive levels of carcinogens, over time, prolonged exposure to diesel exhaust and fumes can cause considerable lung damage and lead to cancer.
Along with toxic fumes, asbestos is another common offender in cases of lung cancer in railroad employees. When someone inhales asbestos, the components of the silicate mineral permeate the lungs and chest cavity. While asbestos exposure can lead to a range of maladies and illnesses, it is usually frequent exposure to the substance over a lengthy period of time that puts a worker at risk of developing lung cancer. Lung cancer resulting from toxic exposure can appear many years after the initial damage to the lungs, with some people developing cancer as many as 30 years after the fact.
Many railroad workers, especially conductors and laborers, are exposed to silica on a daily basis from locomotive sanders and railbed work. Prolonged and regular subjection to silica has been linked to numerous types of deadly lung diseases, including cancer. Many other types of railroad exposure, including solvents and weed sprays, can also cause lung cancer. A skilled Pennsylvania attorney can advocate for compensation on behalf of a worker who has developed lung cancer due to hazardous exposure and fight hard to hold the railroad company liable if their negligence contributed to the diagnosis.
Everyone knows that cigarette smoking also causes lung cancer. What many do not know, however is that smoking and asbestos can work together to cause lung cancer. Therefore, even if you or your loved one is or has been a cigarette smoker, you may still have a claim for lung cancer related to asbestos exposure. Call an experienced Pennsylvania lung cancer attorney to find out what your rights are.
FELA stands for the Federal Employer’s Liability Act, which is the law that railroad worker injury claims are filed under. FELA claims are not to be confused with worker’s compensation claims. A worker who files a FELA claim will usually have access to a much broader range of damages than they would through their employer’s worker’s compensation coverage. Further, while worker’s compensation claims go through the employer’s insurance company, FELA claims are resolved in a court of law.
It is advisable to work with a Pennsylvania railroad injury attorney who regularly represents individuals suffering from occupational illnesses like lung cancer. There may be several forms of compensation available to the claimant in a railroad injury case, including their lost wages, emotional distress, pain, suffering, and medical bills.
A person with lung cancer may experience an array of symptoms, depending on whether or not the illness has progressed and the extent of the damage to their lungs. Common symptoms include mysterious weight changes, coughing up blood, a voice that is raspy or strained, chronic respiratory illnesses, and breathing problems. If a person’s lung cancer has progressed or metastasized, they may experience yellowing skin, general malaise, lack of sensation in the extremities, and general pain.
A Pennsylvania railroad lung cancer lawyer can help you exert and protect your legal rights if your employer’s negligence resulted in unnecessary exposure to harmful substances like asbestos, diesel exhaust and silica. To schedule your confidential case review, contact a Pennsylvania lawyer today.
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