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New York Railroad Leukemia Lawyer

Exposure to carcinogenic substances on a daily basis has caused severe medical problems for many New York workers in the railroad industry, including deadly cancers such as leukemia. Sometimes, workers do not even realize how their illness is related to their work around trains. They also may not realize that they could be entitled to relief. A New York railroad leukemia lawyer could help file a claim to seek compensation to meet your needs and make up for some of the suffering you have endured if you or a loved one were diagnosed with cancer after working on the railway. Monetary damages cannot restore lost health, but they can ease worries for the future and provide a measure of justice. Speak to a knowledgeable railroad injury attorney to discuss your case.

What Types of Toxic Chemicals On The Railroad Can Lead To Leukemia?

Railroad workers have suffered for years, but the connection between railroad work and leukemia has only recently been established in the courts. While exposure to many toxic chemicals could trigger conditions that lead to cancer, it now appears the working with creosote poses one of the greatest dangers. Coal-tar creosote contains benzene and related compounds. Exposure to benzene can lead to conditions such as Myelodysplastic Syndrome, which can develop into Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Creosote has been widely used for years as a preservative to prevent rot and insect damage to railroad ties. Railroad workers who work with ties or other treated lumber may be exposed to varying amounts of creosote. In addition, benzene is also a component in diesel exhaust, which is prevalent in railroad work yards, on trains, and in shop and office environments. Even minimal exposure to benzene can increase the risk of developing leukemia, so a knowledgeable railroad lawyer in New York may be able to use expert testimony and other evidence to demonstrate the connection between a worker’s cancer and job duties.

How Can a Railroad Leukemia Lawyer Help?

Federal lawmakers long ago recognized the dangers workers face in the railroad industry, and they created special legal remedies to enable workers to recover damages when they suffered injuries or illnesses caused by their working conditions. Railroad employees can recover compensation under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA).

However, in order to receive compensation under FELA, railroad workers must demonstrate that their employers acted with negligence and that the negligence caused the injury or illness they suffered. Because it can be challenging to meet that burden of proof, workers with leukemia and other conditions seek assistance from experienced New York railroad injury lawyers who understand how to gather and present evidence to establish legal liability.

Damages That May Be Available

Railroad workers suffering from leukemia due to the exposure on the job may be entitled to compensation well beyond what is available to workers in other industries through workers’ compensation claims. Workers filing claims under FELA could receive damages to offset intangible effects as well as economic losses.

A railroad attorney could fight to recover compensation to make up for:

  • Lost wages and earning potential
  • Medical bills
  • Future medical needs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Permanent disability

Amounts for each aspect may be recovered regardless of whether a case settles in advance or proceeds to trial.

Talk to a Railroad Leukemia Lawyer

For years, railroad industry executives were aware of the dangers of creosote and other chemicals, and yet they failed to take adequate steps to protect workers from harm. As a result, many employees are now suffering from leukemia and other deadly diseases.

A New York railroad leukemia lawyer could work to prove that cancer was caused by negligence on the part of railroad employers. You may be eligible to recover compensation for your damages. Call today to get started on your case.

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