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Railroad Carmen Injuries in New York

Few industries carry the number of risks common with the railroad industries. Within the industry, carmen are exposed to some of the most significant safety hazards. These workers risk life and limb while building and repairing train cars. This process involves an array of dangerous conditions and hazardous materials. If you have suffered railroad carmen injuries in New York, you could be entitled to compensation. The federal government provides benefits to injured carmen, but the claims process is never guaranteed to be successful. A New York railroad injury attorney can help you increase your chances of a favorable outcome in your case.

Risks Facing New York Carmen

Building, inspecting, and—when necessary—repairing railcars is the primary role of carmen. There are numerous dangerous hazards that come into play during the course of their duties. These include the potential for physical injuries or exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Much of the repair work undertaken by carmen in New York involves cutting, welding, or manipulating metal. This represents hazards that include the potential for burn injuries and lacerations.

Their duties also involve inspecting railcars and repairing them when necessary. The process of removing and replacing these railcars opens up carmen to risks of crushing injuries as well as blunt force trauma. This type of work can also result in bodily injuries due to repetitive stress syndrome.

When these risks result in injury, a New York carman could benefit from discussing their legal options with a railroad injury attorney.

Common Railroad Carmen Injuries

The dangerous tasks that are common among railroad carmen often result in a series of common injuries. Many of these injuries are single traumatic events that cause damage to the worker’s body. This could involve anything from a broken bone to traumatic brain injuries. These injuries have the potential to be devastating.

Other injuries involve low-grade physical trauma over the course of months or years on the job. A common example is repetitive stress syndrome. Over time, the same repetitive movements of the body can wear down muscles, bones, and joints. These injuries are common in situations where employers do not provide for safe working conditions or adequate training.

Ultimately, injuries to railroad carmen could impact every area of the body. Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Severe burns
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Joint damage
  • Back injuries

Any of these injuries could leave a railroad employee with chronic pain and the inability to return to work. The good news is that compensation could be available for railroad carmen that suffer these injuries on the job.

The Potential for Occupational Diseases

Railroad carmen also face potentially deadly occupational diseases during the course of their work. They routinely come into contact with caustic and hazardous chemicals and material. These substances can result in serious conditions, including:

  • Lead poisoning
  • Lung cancer
  • Lung disease
  • Nervous system disorders

In many cases, increased exposure during the course of a career can lead to these occupational diseases. In some cases, they might not manifest until after the end of the railway worker’s career.

Discuss Common Railroad Carmen Injuries with a New York Attorney

The good news for railroad carmen that suffer injuries or illnesses on the job is that monetary compensation could be available through a successful FELA claim. The process of filing these claims is complex and should never be undertaken without legal counsel.

If you are ready to move forward with your claim for benefits, an experienced attorney can help. Call right away to schedule an initial consultation.

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