A common cause of railroad workplace illnesses is exposure to dangerous chemicals. One of the most common types of chemicals linked to railroad workers are the herbicides used by track workers to kill weeds and vegetation. Railroad workers that come into contact with glyphosate, also a key ingredient in many weed killers, could suffer serious health issues, including cancer. If you or a loved one have suffered a serious illness due to hazardous chemicals, a railroad injury lawyer may assist you in pursuing compensation from the responsible party. No one should suffer from life-long health complications due to the actions of a negligent and uncaring employer. Contact a diligent railroad injury attorney to learn about your legal options to seek compensation in a herbicide lawsuit.
Roundup is a well-known weed killer that has been commonly used in the United States since 1974. Research suggests that exposure to large amounts of Roundup could lead to devastating health complications. The glyphosate found in the herbicide could be harmful to individuals regardless of whether it is ingested or inhaled. The effects of glyphosate are especially dangerous when a large amount is absorbed.
Those who are suffering from severe health complications due to on-the-job exposure to dangerous chemicals may benefit from speaking with a skilled attorney to learn more about how the type of damages they may be eligible to recover in a weedkiller lawsuit.
There are immediate and long-term effects of herbicide exposure. The short-term effects could include vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and skin irritation. In extreme doses, the chemical could be lethal.
In the long-term, exposure to glyphosates is tied to severe birth defects and life-long health issues such as kidney disease, reproductive issues, and heart disease. The substance is also believed to be a carcinogen and has been linked to various forms of cancer.
It is best to speak to a dangerous chemicals attorney to learn about the dangerous effects of glyphosate weed killers and how the severity of the harm could affect the damage award.
Collecting damages from exposure to weed killers works differently for railroad employees than it does under any other profession. That is because railroad workers are covered by the Federal Employers’ Liability Act or FELA. Under FELA, railway employees are entitled to a monetary award if they can prove the railroad was negligent in allowing the exposure to herbicides.
The FELA was first enacted in 1908 and has remained substantially unchanged ever since. Under the Act, on-the-job injuries of railroad workers are treated similarly to worker’s compensation claims. If a railroad was negligent in exposing an employee to herbicides or other harmful chemicals, the employee might have a valid FELA claim for any damages brought on by the exposure.
FELA claims can be complicated, but with an experienced railroad injury attorney, injured claimants may be able to gain compensation for their injuries.
Railroad workers go to work every day, knowing that they will face certain risks at the workplace. However, it is incumbent on the railroad to take reasonable steps to ensure their employees are safe. Although railroads could have taken precautions to limit exposure to their workers, in most cases, they did not. When railroad companies carelessly allow their employees to face exposure to harmful chemicals, they violate the duty they owe to those employees.
Even if the railroad worker smoked cigarettes or had other risk factors for cancer, a railroad cancer attorney may be able to obtain compensation for cancer related to chemical week killers. If you suffered an injury due to exposure to herbicides, discuss your claim with an experienced railroad cancer injury lawyer. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about railroad weedkiller lawsuits and how you may be eligible for compensation.
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