Exposure to hazardous chemicals, including asbestos, diesel exhaust, and industrial solvents, in your work environment can lead to bladder cancer. Unfortunately for those who work or used to work in the railroad industry, many of the dangerous substances that can increase the risk for bladder cancer have been used frequently in and around trains and railroad facilities. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult a railroad bladder cancer lawyer if you are diagnosed with cancer and have a history that involves work in the railroad industry. A diligent railroad injury lawyer could determine whether you may be entitled to compensation to help you and your family move forward beyond the diagnosis.
Studies have linked occupational exposure to toxic chemicals as a strong risk factor for the development of bladder cancer. The chemicals involved include those found in metals and motor vehicle exhaust, although research suggests there may be connections with many other substances, like asbestos and industrial solvents, found in trades operating in the railroad industry.
Many railroad workers are exposed to significant quantities of diesel exhaust with no protection, including those working in machine shops as well as train yards or on the trains themselves. Numerous jobs in the railroad industry put employees at risk of developing bladder cancer. Although railroads could have taken precautions to limit exposure to its workers, in most cases, they did not. Â Our dedicated railroad bladder cancer lawyers could work to help employees suffering from this disease obtain fair compensation to cover medical needs and other consequences of the disease.
The Federal Employer’s Liability Act (FELA) is a federal law that grants railroad workers the right to hold their employers liable for harm suffered due to working conditions. By contrast, workers in other industries are limited to the reduced benefits available through the workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation benefits may cover medical needs and provide some income to make up for lost wages, but they do not allow any recovery for other effects of a debilitating condition like bladder cancer.
Under this Act, railroad workers may be able to obtain compensation to offset intangible effects that have a tremendous impact on life, such as pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment, and emotional distress. In addition, FELA allows for damages to pay medical bills, provide for future medical needs, compensate for lost wages in the past and reduced earning potential in the future, and to cover other needs such as caregivers. A railroad bladder cancer lawyer could build a strong case to enable recovery under FELA.
FELA allows workers to seek compensation not only for injuries caused by accidents on the job but also occupational diseases, like bladder cancer, caused by exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. However, a worker will need to demonstrate that the employer was negligent and that the negligence was the cause, at least in part, of the harm suffered. Therefore, even if you smoked cigarettes, you could still have a claim for cancer under the FELA.
Our seasoned bladder cancer lawyers could collect evidence to show how the employer failed to act responsibly toward employees and failed to protect them from harm and how that failure caused the cancer to develop. In many instances, an attorney may make use of expert witnesses to help prove causation. Speak to a skilled attorney about seeking bladder cancer compensation.
When you are dealing with the trauma of a bladder cancer diagnosis, sometimes the last thing you want to think about is paperwork and legal issues. Financial concerns may also be tempting to ignore. Working with an experienced railroad bladder cancer lawyer could allow you to turn some matters over to a legal advisor so that you can focus on healing while your attorney works to secure the future of yourself and your family.
Workers suffering from bladder cancer caused by on the job conditions in the railroad industry have a limited amount of time to file a claim for compensation under FELA. The law requires suits to be filed within three years of the time the worker was diagnosed with cancer and knew or should have known of the cancers relationship to the railroad work. Only an experienced attorney can determine when that three year period begins to run. To learn more about how an attorney could help with the unique needs of your situation, call now for a consultation.
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