While every job inside a railyard or around moving trains carries some risk of injury, railroad engineers take on particularly hazardous tasks every single day, making them much more susceptible to serious harm in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, railroad employers do not always take the appropriate steps to protect their employees from preventable accidents, sometimes with devastating repercussions. If you can trace your serious injury back to negligence by the railroad company that employed you, a railroad accident attorney may be able to help you seek fair compensation for all your ensuing losses. During an initial consultation, an Ohio railroad engineer injury lawyer could review your unique circumstances and offer guidance about your options for obtaining financial restitution.
A railroad engineer may sustain severe burns, skin lacerations, bone fractures, ligament tears, and crushing injuries from an accident on the job. More serious incidents may result in injuries with permanent consequences that fundamentally alter the path of a worker’s life, like traumatic brain or spinal cord damage, internal organ injuries, or amputation of fingers or limbs.
To some extent any job that involves working with or around heavy machinery can be immensely dangerous even if every worker follows appropriate safety measures and wears the right equipment. However, these risks are compounded when employers fail to set out or enforce safety regulations, do not provide functional personal protective equipment, ignore federal laws regarding safe working hours and conditions, or force workers to perform tasks they are not trained for.
In these situations, it may be possible for an injured railroad worker to hold their employer liable for the injury they suffered, and accordingly for the financial and personal losses that injury leads to. A qualified Ohio railroad engineer injury attorney could go over an injured worker’s unique situation with them to determine whether they might have grounds for a claim.
Instead of traditional workers’ compensation, railroad engineers who get hurt on the job must file a claim under the Federal Employer’s Liability Act if they want to recover financially for their injuries. Unlike workers’ comp claims in which employers automatically assume liability for workplace accidents, FELA claims require injured claimants to prove that their employer’s negligence led to their damages.
On the bright side, FELA allows for much broader recovery than workers’ compensation systems, rather than limiting compensable damages to just medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. With help from a railroad engineer injury lawyer in Ohio, it could be possible to recover for both economic and non-economic forms of harm through a successful FELA claim, including:
As a railroad engineer, your role at work is simultaneously important and dangerous. Anyone who gets injured from an accident at work deserves fair compensation for their injuries should such an accident ever occur.
An Ohio railroad engineer injury lawyer could help you seek the best legal outcome possible following an on-the-job accident. Call today.
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