First introduced in 1976, Roundup has become a household name as the go-to herbicide on-the-job or around the yard. The product was developed originally by Monsanto, later being bought by Bayer in 2018. For decades, Roundup was used in many jobs, homes, and gardens. What was not publicly known until recently are potentially cancer-causing effects of Roundup, through its primary component, glyphosate. Exposure to Roundup has been blamed for ailments, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Roundup Litigation
Monsanto manufactured a host of products containing glyphosate in the late 1900s, moving from Roundup towards the production of various products containing glyphosate. Many lawsuits have been brought questioning whether Roundup and the glyphosate it contains are harmful to people who have come into contact with it either at the home or through an occupation. These lawsuits claim that the company knew for years that glyphosate was potentially carcinogenic yet did nothing about it. Research supports these claims. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) found that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic to humans” and that it could potentially cause “DNA and chromosomal damage in humans.”
There are currently thousands of cases claiming that Monsanto was negligent in distributing Roundup, knowing its potentially toxic effects. One such suit went to trial last year, awarding the plaintiff, who is suffering from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, more than $200 million in damages. Consequently, if you worked in an occupation where Roundup was used, or if you used the product at home, and you later developed cancer it could be in your best interest to reach out to the attorneys at Doran & Murphy who have hundreds of hours of experience in cancer claims and are ready to review your claim.
Roundup Settlement Talks
Recently, a large number of Roundup lawsuits have resulted in very important settlement negotiations. The Wall Street Journal has recently reported that “Bayer AG has agreed on draft settlement terms with half a dozen law firms representing tens of thousands of plaintiffs alleging that the company’s Roundup weed killer causes cancer, pushing the litigation closer to a final resolution, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Fortune Magazine has similarly reported, “In an effort to settle tens of thousands of claims that Bayer AG’s Roundup weed killer causes cancer, lawyers for some plaintiffs are discussing with the company deals that could lead to a total payout of about $10 bilion, according to people with direct knowledge of the negotiations.” A portion of these funds would be set aside for future claims.
If you suffer from cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and believe that you were exposed to Roundup or similar chemical weed sprays, at home or on-the-job, call our attorneys today to discuss a claim.