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railroad crossing sign
What You Need to Know About Railroad Crossing Accidents
brown gavel
What Is the FELA Statute of Limitations?
Railroad Worker Cancer Lawsuits – What You Don’t Know Can Kill You!
railroad worker with hard hat
Can I have a FELA claim while receiving RRB disability benefits?
railroad tracks
Railroad Union Pushes for OSHA Heat Rules, Railroads Seek Exemption
Slack Action In Switching Operations Can Be Deadly
METRA train
METRA Passenger Injuries in Illinois and the Highest Duty of Care
trains in rail yard
I was injured on the railroad – now what?
close railroad clearance
Close Clearances and Railroad Worker Fatalities
wheel of train
Will FELA Cover My Injuries if I’m Not Clocked In?
brown gavel
What Evidence Should I Gather to Prove Negligence in a FELA Claim?
back injury
Railroad Lifting Injuries
asbestos on railroad
What to Know About Railroad Worker Mesothelioma
doctor pointing to X-ray
What Are the Most Common FELA Mistakes Employees Make?
documents on a desk
Rrb Sickness And Unemployment Benefits To Increase
flowers on casket
Is Wrongful Death Covered Under FELA?
scan of someone with lung cancer
Diagnosing Lung Cancer
stethoscope and blood pressure cuff
Can Injuries Caused By Staff Shortages Warrant a FELA Claim?
railroad worker filling out paperwork on a clipboard
The Importance of Prompt Injury Reporting
pipe that says
Railroad Workers, Mesothelioma and the BAP1 Gene
track worker on railroad
Track Worker Safety Requirements
lung cancer
Hope for Stage IV Lung Cancer Patients
train accident
What Should I Do After a Train Derailment at Work?
railroad worker
FRA Issues Safety Advisory Regarding the Importance of Communications and Compliance with Red Zone Procedures
medical instruments on wall
What Disabilities Can an Injured Railroad Worker Suffer?
railroad tracks
What Are the Common Causes of Railroad Accidents?
image of lungs
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis May Not Be “Idiopathic” After All!
crew working on railroad
How Does Delayed Medical Care Impact My FELA Claim?
post it note that says
When It Comes To Safety – Railroads Don’t Always Practice What They Preach
person meeting with doctor
Can the Railroad Company Talk to My Doctor?
lung cancer awareness month graphic
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
social media apps on phone screen
How Can Social Media Use Hurt My FELA Claim?
railroad worker next to train
FRA Finalizes Rule Regarding Participation of Stakeholders in Investigations
How Can I Best Document My Injuries to Support My FELA Claim?
person receiving medical care from a doctor
Why Continued Care After a Railroad Injury Is Important
train on a railroad
Injured Railroad Worker Compensation under the FELA
people looking at documents and pen
How Do I Properly Report My Railroad Injury?
scan of someone with lung cancer
Causes of Lung Cancer in Smokers and Non-Smokers
railroad tracks
If I’m Injured, Why Can’t I Just Work With the Railroad Company?
gavel court
FRA Completes Investigation into BNSF Safety Culture
statue of justice
Why Do I Need a FELA Lawyer Instead of a Personal Injury Lawyer?
train emitting diesel exaust
Diesel Exhaust – New Studies Confirm It Is More Dangerous Than You Think!
person in wheelchair
What Happens If I Can’t Return to Work Duties After a Railroad Injury?
train derailment
Train Crew Injuries Caused By Derailments And Grade-Crossing Accidents
image of lungs
EGFR and New Treatments for Lung Cancer
Questions About the Time Limit for Railroad Cancer Claims
railroad crossing
Who Is Responsible For Injuries Caused By an Unsafe Railroad Crossing?
upset man on couch
How Can a Railroad Injury Impact My Mental Health?
Rail Labor Unions’ Report on Railroad Industry Safety
person in hospital gown
Can I File a FELA Claim if I Have a Pre-Existing Condition?
train tracks
What Steps Must I Take After a Railroad Injury?
iv bag
Treating Lung Cancer Early With Combination Therapy
trains in rail yard
What Should I Know About Accidents Involving Remote Control Train Operations?
railroad worker with hard hat
Do Railroad Trainees Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Yes, Switching Operations in Rail Yards are Dangerous!
person with boot and crutches
If I’m Hurt Because of the Accommodations from the Railroad Company, Do I Have a FELA Claim?
longer train winding through the desert
Longer Trains Pose A Greater Risk To Railroad Employees And The General Public
interior of court room
How Long Does a FELA Trial Take?
lady justice figurine
Norfolk Southern Derailment – Cause Confirmed
image depicting Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in FELA/Railroad Injury Cases
hard hats hun on wall
Does FELA Cover Independent Contractors?
image of lungs
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis – Serious Lung Diseases Every Railroad Worker Should Know About
man signing document
How Long Will a FELA Claim Take
man with hip injury
Railroad Hip Injury Settlements
train yard
What Damages Can I Recover Under FELA?
The Tragic Consequences of Remote-Control Train Operations
hospital room
What Injuries Can Arise from Getting On and Off Moving Equipment?
train in railroad shop
Railroad Shop Workers and Poor Working Conditions – Part 2
people shaking hands
What Should I Look For When Hiring a Railroad Injury Lawyer?
Safety Bulletin: Working On, Near & Around Roadway Maintenance Machines
What Railroad Workplace Hazards Commonly Inflict Injuries?
man with arm in a sling talking to a doctor
How does the FELA claims process work?
person talking to doctor
What Are the Most Common Railroad-Related Illnesses?
Amtrak Workers’ Compensation
railroad and trees
What Should Railroad Workers Know About Fatigue?
Why are there so many injuries on short line railroads?
man in bed with pained expression
What Kind of Emotional Damages Can a Railroad Worker Endure After an Accident?
railroad van crash
Railroad Worker Injuries From Transportation Van Wrecks
handshake in law office
What Is the Difference Between ARLA and FELA?
Railroad Ankle Injuries
people working on railroad tracks
If I’m Hurt Because of an Intoxicated Co-Worker, What Should I Do?
crew working on railroad
The Questions Railroad Families Ask Us Most – PART II
person will bills and calculator
How Are Railroad Injury Damages Calculated?
brown gavel
What is the Safety Appliance Act?
gavel court
FRA Finalizes Rule for Minimum Crew Safety Standards
gavel courtroom
Where Will My FELA Lawsuit Take Place?
Do Railroads Hide Worker Injury Data?
danger high voltage sign
What Safety Hazards are Most Common on Railroad Job Sites?
back injury
Railroad Back Injury Settlements
people working on a railroad track
What Defenses Will the Railroad Use to Avoid Liability in a FELA Claim?
railroad worker with train
The Questions Railroad Families Ask Us Most – Part I
person in hospital gown
What Are the Most Common Illnesses Railroad Workers Suffer?
x ray of knee
Railroad Knee Injury Settlements and Lawsuits
shoulder injury
Settlements for Railroad Shoulder Injuries
workers on railroad
When Does FELA Coverage Start for Railroad Employees?
Why Do So Many Railroad Conductors Get Injured?
doctor stethoscope
What Should an Injured Railroad Employee Tell Their Doctor?
New EPA Regulations Seek to Reduce Deadly Air Pollution
patient speaking with physician
I Didn’t Discover My Illness Until Years Later. Am I Covered by FELA?
wheel of train
Are Freight Railroads’ Internal Safety Reporting Systems Better Than the One Offered by NASA?

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