Exposure to toxic substances in the railroad industry can lead to cases of esophageal cancer and other deadly illnesses suffered by employees. Often, employers were aware of the risks but chose not to provide appropriate safety equipment or take necessary precautions. Railway workers who have been diagnosed with esophageal or other related types of illnesses should seek help from a seasoned railroad injury attorney. A New York railroad esophageal cancer lawyer could review the circumstances to determine whether the employer may be required to provide compensation for pain, medical costs, lost wages, and other effects of the disease.
The connection between esophageal cancer and working conditions in the railroad industry is still coming to light. Evidence suggests that many substances to which workers were exposed on a regular basis substantially increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Although it can take years for symptoms to develop, in many cases, the cancer can be traced to earlier exposure in a railroad workplace.
Asbestos used to insulate pipes in buildings and locomotives can be swallowed causing cancer of the digestive tract, including the esophagus. Railroad workers who handle solvents cleaning machinery may also suffer increased esophageal cancer risks because of the chemicals in the solvents. In addition, diesel fumes in the air expose workers to benzene and other harmful chemicals linked to various forms of cancer. An experienced railroad attorney in New York could investigate to prove how workplace conditions led to esophageal cancer.
The esophagus is a tube about a foot long that carries liquids and food to the stomach. Cancer of the esophagus is often not diagnosed until an individual is over the age of 65, although cancer may have been developing for many years. Men are more likely than women to suffer from esophageal cancer.
The most common type of esophageal cancer in New York is Adenocarcinoma, which is usually found in the lower part of the esophagus. Although not as well-known as other forms of cancer, esophageal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths.
Workers who suffer illnesses or injuries caused by workplace conditions may be able to recover compensation under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). Unlike workers’ compensation cases, in a FELA claim, workers can recover compensation for the full amount of lost wages and for intangible losses such as pain and suffering and emotional distress.
However, railroad workers seeking compensation through a FELA claim must be able to demonstrate that their employer’s negligence caused the harm they are suffering. To make this causal connection, it is recommended that employees begin working with an experienced railroad lawyer who can collect and present evidence to prove that esophageal cancer was caused by an employer’s failure to take adequate measures to protect employees from hazardous substances in the workplace.
Workers filing a claim under FELA are generally required to abide by a three-year statute of limitations. Since the exposure that leads to esophageal cancer and other illnesses may have occurred many years ago, workers are often given three years from the time of diagnosis in which to bring their claim rather than three years from the date of exposure.
It is wise to avoid delay before consulting a New York railroad esophageal cancer lawyer. An attorney could assist in investigations to help avoid statements that could be taken out of context and used against you to avoid liability. A lawyer could also handle questions and other communication to allow you to focus on treatment and recovery. To learn more about how a seasoned railroad injury attorney could help your case, call today.
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