A car accident can be a very traumatic event resulting in serious injuries, from soft tissue damage to broken bones, burns, and organ damage to catastrophic injuries such as those to the brain and spinal cord. If you believe you’ve been wrongfully injured in a car accident, please don’t hesitate to speak with a seasoned car accident lawyer from Doran & Murphy for help.
Any motor vehicle accident can be the result of distracted driving (cell phone use, texting while driving, etc.), impaired driving (drivers under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs), disobeying traffic signs, signals, and other traffic laws, or mistakes made by drivers. At Doran & Murphy, PLLC, we understand how such an accident can disrupt your life and create a physical, emotional, and financial nightmare for both you and your family. You may need immediate and intense medical care, lose valuable time at work, face a future of ongoing care or assistance and a loss of earning capacity, as well as be subjected to the pain, suffering, and emotional trauma of the accident and your injuries.
Under such difficult circumstances, you should have the benefit of an experienced injury attorney who can handle all of the details of your case. An experienced car accident lawyer at our firm can investigate your claim by interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and gathering any statements given that will help prove how and why the crash happened. We have a long history of successful representation for those injured through negligence, including invaluable trial experience.
Insurance companies have sophisticated claim agents who are trained to deal with people who have been injured as a result of car accidents. It is a well-known fact that these same companies have their own attorneys who are vested in paying out as little as possible in claims. Statistics have proven that accident victims who are represented by experienced attorneys of their own obtain better settlements than those who are not so represented. Letting an experienced auto accident attorney at our firm handle your case and deal with the insurance company can make a significant difference in how effective your case results can be.
Furthermore, important time limits can affect your right to recover compensation for your injuries. Don’t lose your rights – call us as soon as possible.
Contact a seasoned car accident injury attorney at the firm if you have been injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another today.
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Doran & Murphy, PLLC
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