Today, November 15, 2012 is the 37th annual Great American Smokeout.
People, such as railroad workers, who have been exposed to asbestos are at risk of developing lung cancer. People who smoke cigarettes are at risk of developing lung cancer. The risk for people who have BOTH been exposed to asbestos AND smoke cigarettes is considered “multiplicative”. This means that exposure to asbestos and cigarettes results in a synergy – with the combined risk being much greater than simply adding together the risk of each exposure.
Doran & Murphy encourages everyone to visit the American Cancer Society’s page on the Great American Smokeout for some great tips on quitting smoking or helping a loved one quit smoking. If you are a railroad worker who is a current or former smoker, have been exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with cancer, contact us for information about whether you may have a case.